The Coffeevine November 18 Box Preview

Let us start with the first Coffeevine Preview of the year! I know It’s been a while but I’ve had some difficulties with the website since I changed the domain from to the more globally known .com.

I also want to explain that the difficulties that appeared was 100% my fault and could easily be avoided… However… It works great now! I hope…

As usual, I will write an informative text with expectations in this post. So with these words, let us begin with the Coffeevine’s November 18 Box!


1) Atkinsons Coffee Roasters, England.
Personal cupping and recipe 

Origin: Colombia
Variety: Catuai, Caturra
Producer: –
Region: Risaralda
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1 600 – 1 800 masl

Cupping notes from the coffee roastery:
Lime, Macadamia & Honeycomb.

Expectation: Wow the smell of this coffee is simply amazing. I’m really looking forward to the taste of honeycomb. I think that this coffee surely will hit that sweet spot I search for a coffee these cold days. I have high expectations!


2) Blommers Coffee, Netherlands.
Personal cupping and recipe 

Origin: Costa Rica
Variety: Caturra
Producer: Alejo Castro Kahle
Region: Central Valley, Volcan Azul
Process: Natural
Altitude: –

Cupping notes from the coffee roastery:
Tropical, balanced, cantaloupe, forest honey, passion fruit & papaya.

Expectation: When the coffee comes from Costa Rica I always get intrigued. Usually, I prefer it to be honey processed as the Costa Rican coffee farmers are amazing with that kind of process. But let’s get back to this coffee; I think that it will be a solid cup with tropical vibes. Sweet yet balanced.

3) Morgon Coffee Roasters, Sweden.
Personal cupping and recipe 

Origin: Ethiopia
Variety:  Dega, Gurume
Farm: Harenja
Region: Yirgacheffe
Process: Washed
Altitude: 2 100 meters above sea level.

Cupping notes from the coffee roastery:
Juicy, peach & floral.

Expectation: “You can’t go wrong with Yirgacheffe, it will be nice to drink a peachy coffee again. It was a long time ago actually, at least it feels like it. I would not expect anything else than solid.”

As usual this will be very exciting to see which coffee roastery will win in this The Coffeevine’s November 18 box.

To be honest I’ve already tried the coffee from Morgon Coffee Roasters and that cup was really good! I sure mean it, it was so sweet and rich of candy(?). However,  I think that this will be really close between them all. I can’t even guess how it’s going to be. I’ll just have to have an open mind and keep on guessing!

If you want help with recipes, thoughts or just want to get answers from me. Comment on this post, email me at [email protected] or go to my Instagram and write a private message there.

Don’t forget to keep yourself updated with the upcoming recipes for the November 18 box!

If you want to read the previous The Coffeevine preview, click here!

Do you want to read all of the reviews on The Coffeevine monthly boxes? Click here!


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